The year of Victory: 2009

Paul Roberts

PAUL ROBERTS– Executive Assistant, GA Operations: When you read the definition of “Service of Unequalled Excellence”, Paul should be inscribed next to it. He is a stellar employee who interfaces with upper management and at least four different departments. He is multi-talented, excelling in his job responsibilities during the day in every way while attending […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Nick Bramson

NICK BRAMSON – Sales Administrator, CONEXIS-Sales, has shown consistent levels of excellence and unwavering desire to excel and exceed everyone’s expectations. He is an outstanding employee and has thoroughly surpassed the expectations of what his job responsibilities are… redefining his position in the process. He always does whatever it takes to achieve positive results by […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Jeff Swing

JEFF SWING – Lead Software Solutions Technologist, IT, has consistently gone above and beyond his normal duties and has always gone an extra mile or “10”. Recently, he transferred to another team within his department and dove into the “deep end of the pool” of a very large project. He swam with it and in […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Rita Angel

RITA ANGEL – Senior Manager of Member Processing Center, CHOICE Administrators, has really embodied the spirit of The Word & Brown Family of Companies since the day she came on board. When she was hired, she was given the difficult task of reorganizing the department to make sure that its employees’ abilities were being used […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Joe De La Cruz

JOE DE LA CRUZ– Director of Lean Six Sigma, stands for “Service of Unequalled Excellence and he has tremendous business acumen and people skills. He is always looking for customer centric solutions and is part of a team that crosses paths with all companies within the Word & Brown family. He has personally led several […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Carrie Franklin

CARRIE FRANKLIN – Telecom Specialist, IT, always performs her duties with the most pleasant and cheery attitude, while consistently going above and beyond with a smile. She is a “one- man” team and is always willing to get special requests done on short notice, while managing her own daily duties. She is extremely resourceful, meticulous […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Matthew Smithson

MATTHEW SMITHSON – Plan Maintenance Administrator, Quotit, displays qualities and skills that inspire others to work hard and help as many people as possible along the way. Besides taking on a very heavy portion of his department’s work load, he also has time to train new employees, help co-workers with the completion of tasks that […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Heather Zane

HEATHER ZANE – Sr. Project Administrator, Marketing – CHOICE Administrators, truly loves how John and Rusty consistently go out their way to show employees that they care. With that said, it is no surprise that this employee continually goes above and beyond of what is required of her and exceeds at her job with a […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Elizabeth Rodriguez

ELIZABETH RODRIGUEZ – Field Service Representative, Word & Brown General Agency – San Jose Office: A sign of a true Wabber is not what they do when times are good, rather what they do when times are bad. Elizabeth “stays the course” with her sights clearly on her goals and her performance is outstanding in […]

Written by on January 19, 2024

Ziba Behan

ZIBA BEHAN – Office Manager, Word & Brown General Agency – LA Office: As we all know here at Word & Brown, “Service of Unequalled Excellence” is our motto and the spirit of the company is that “service” is the name of the game. This is achieved by the products we create, but more importantly […]

Written by on January 19, 2024